mental health, military service, martial law, psychological features, military specializations, military personnel, armed forces, anxiety, stress resistance, stress, combat trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder.Abstract
Modern realities require a quick response to new events, because mental health is the basis of the quality of life, social activity of each person and society as a whole. The authors offer an in-depth review of scientific-theoretical and practical literature, both world experience and the existing military experience of our country regarding the psychological aspects of the life and service of the military, revealing the relationship between military experience and the mental health of the individual. The work draws attention to the importance of psychological training and systematic support for the mental health of military personnel. In order to analyze the impact of combat experience on the mental health of military personnel, the authors conducted their own empirical research, using questionnaires, testing and observation of individuals who had experience of military service. All the researched were divided into two groups: one group included people who had combat experience, and the other who mostly work at the headquarters. The article examines in detail the psychological aspects of anxiety, stress resistance, post-traumatic stress disorder and other indicators of mental health in military personnel. The absence of signs of post-traumatic stress disorder and significant deviations in the spectrum of anxiety-depressive disorders was established. Military personnel with combat experience (OG1) have higher rates of hypochondria, depression, and hysteria, as well as higher levels of hypomania and psychosthenia. And military personnel who perform mostly staff work (OG2) are characterized by a higher level of paranoia and psychasthenia, a small percentage of the manifestation of schizoidism. This study is still ongoing, so the results provided are only part of a global comprehensive study of the mental health of representatives of the armed forces of Ukraine. The general goal of our work is a comprehensive collection of psychological characteristics, an assessment of their dynamics for the development of effective psychocorrective programs and further full rehabilitation and social reintegration of persons with experience of military service in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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