information-psychological war, military conflict, psychological influx, propaganda, media literacy.Abstract
The article considers information-psychological warfare as a source of military conflicts. The approaches of the classic theory of informational cooperation are analyzed, understanding the essence of informational-psychological war. A comprehensive analysis of the informational and psychological influx in the world wars of the 20th century was carried out. The importance of propaganda in the information-psychological war has been explored. The role of informational and psychological influx in the russian-Ukrainian war is grounded. The role of people’s media literacy in the minds of the war is identified. To achieve further research, theoretical and methodological approaches were adopted: structuralfunctional, systemic, level-based, normative-valuable. A summary has been compiled about those that have not yet ended the hidden meaning of the informational-psychological war. The authors have clearly spoken out on various aspects of this concept. The author’s author’s account of the information-psychological war is given – a synthesis of information and psychological technologies directed at the individual, group and mass awareness of people by changing their views, thoughts, attitudes, behavioral models. A contemporary analysis of the informational and psychological influx in the two world wars of the 20th century. showing that propaganda methods, based on the achievements of psychological science, became more and more thorough and sophisticated. The russian-Ukrainian war will begin in 2022. the enemy manipulates information, vikoryst and psychological infusion technologies, directly targeting military and civilian citizens. Their meta is a decrease in the morale of the inhabitants of Ukraine and the creation of panic among the population. Thus, there is an urgent need to protect citizens in the information space. The main way to help people gain emotional stability and not succumb to psychological influx is media literacy. The prospects for further development of this are the continuation of the investigation of the psychological influx on people and marriage on the basis of new knowledge from social psychology with a method of learning to recognize and control it.
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