stress, stress resistance, stress resistance resources, coping strategies, stress resistance of ultimatum players.Abstract
The article examines the phenomenon of stress resistance of ultimatum athletes according to the integrative model of professional stress. Stress factors in sports activities were analyzed. The structure of stress resistance of ultimatum athletes was determined. They are motivational-target, cognitive, subject, volitional components. The levels of stress resistance are characterized. The results of the research on the levels of stress resistance of ultimat players are given, which can be used to improve the productivity of the professional activity of ultimatists. The results of a diagnostic study of the subject component of stress resistance of ultimatists are shown, which provided for the determination of the level of neuropsychological stability of players, the risk of developing maladaptation and deviations in behavior (“Prognosis” methodology adapted by V. Rybnikov, adapted testing “Self-assessment of personality stress resistance” by N. Kirshev, N. Ryabchikova). The conative component of stress resistance has been characterized. The specifics of sportsmen’s activity behavior strategies in stressful conditions have been determined (the methodology “Perceptual assessment of the type of stress resistance” by N. Fetyskina). Dominant coping strategies of athletes were identified (D. Amirkhan’s “Indicator of Coping Strategies” methodology). The resource level of personal stress resistance was determined (the questionnaire “Loss and acquisition of personal resources” by N. Vodopyanova, M. Shtein). The effectiveness of the implementation of the technological-corrective stage of forming the stress resistance of ultimatum players is considered, introducing individual, group and mass forms of interaction with the team. Attention is drawn to interactive methods and technologies of stress resistance formation of athletes with the involvement of personal and socio-psychological resources.
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