


military, traumatic events, clinical symptoms, psychotherapeutic approaches, risk factors, military operations, traumatic experience, psychological stress, post-traumatic stress disorder.


Today’s conditions require timely attention to the risk factors and manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder. The authors offer a theoretical analysis of sources and various scientific works covering the world and domestic military experience in the context of defining the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder in the military. This paper examines the relationship between military experience and mental health. Particular attention is paid to defining the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder, preventing its occurrence and systematic support for the mental health of the military. The paper analyzes the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the military. It covers the theoretical foundations of this mental condition, clinical manifestations and differences in symptoms compared to the civilian population. The study focuses on the identification of risk factors that contribute to the development of PTSD in the military, including military operations, stressful events, and service conditions. The abstract emphasizes the importance of proper psychological training and systematic support to preserve the mental health of military personnel in modern military conditions. The theoretical foundations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the military include an understanding of the psychological mechanisms responsible for the development of this condition as a result of military experience and stressful events. The main aspects include traumatic events and stressors: first, military PTSD is often associated with intense and traumatic experiences such as combat, survival in critical situations, loss of comrades, etc.; second, biological mechanisms, where research shows that PTSD may be associated with changes in nervous system functioning and hormonal levels that affect the body’s response to stress; third, psychological theories: Stress and trauma theories, such as the dual process model, can explain how negative experiences affect mental health and lead to the development of PTSD. This study is only a part of a large-scale project to study the mental health of the military, especially during the full-scale conflict in Ukraine. The main goal of the work is to comprehensively collect psychological characteristics and assess their dynamics in order to further develop effective psychocorrection programs.


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