addictions, cyberaddiction, gadgets, adolescence and youth, phubbing, nomophobia, technophobia, digital technologies, cyberspace, prevention and psychocorrection of technological addictions, smartphone, mobile phone.Abstract
In today’s world of rapid development of cyber technologies, smartphones and mobile devices have become an integral part of everyday life. They perform many functions, such as communication, entertainment, work and study, which makes them practically indispensable in modern day-to-day life. However, along with their widespread distribution, new psychological problems and disorders arise, among which nomophobia is a type of non-chemical addiction, which is interpreted as a mental and behavioral disorder, which is expressed in an obsessive or compulsive desire to be constantly in touch (to be in the mode on-line, talking on the phone, which causes fear of losing Internet connection). This leads to changes in the emotional state and causes negative changes in the cognitive, behavioral and affective spheres of the individual. The purpose of this work was the systematization of scientific assets regarding general approaches to the prevention of this phobic disorder. We analyzed the causes of nomophobia, the main manifestations, as well as possible consequences for the mental, psychological and physical health of the individual. The main focus is on the development and implementation of effective prevention methods that can reduce the risk of developing nomophobia among the younger generation. The work emphasized that one of the key aspects of prevention of nomophobia is a comprehensive approach, which includes: psychoeducation among both the young generation and adults; teaching self-control and self-regulation skills that help reduce dependence on mobile devices; psychocorrection, both individual and group; family and social support; alternative activities (exercise, hobbies, art or other forms of leisure that contribute to the development of social skills and improvement of general well-being), etc. The work emphasizes the need to involve not only parents, teachers, psychologists and social workers in the prevention of nomophobia, but also the acute problem of developing prevention programs at the regional and state level.
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