support groups, mutual aid groups, facilitation, social connections, adaptation.Abstract
The article addresses the problem of adapting support groups to the conditions of war and forced displacement. The author notes that support groups under the “Journey to Freedom” program have been held in Odesa for fifteen years, but changes in influential factors such as war and displacement require modifying the form of group sessions to increase their effectiveness. Support groups are defined as voluntary associations of people with similar problems or crisis life circumstances, led by a specialist, who meet over an extended period to provide mutual assistance and support, exchange information and resources that can be useful for solving their problems. In wartime conditions, groups for forced migrants, combatants, and people who have experienced psychological trauma become especially relevant. War destroys social ties, leads to the loss of loved ones, experiences of constant fear, and psychological trauma. This complicates maintaining relationships and forming new social contacts, which exacerbates social isolation and negatively affects the psychological state of the victims. Support groups serve as an important resource for overcoming these difficulties by providing a space for sharing experiences, emotional support, and acceptance. The author identifies four types of support groups with a therapeutic orientation: for controlling problematic behavior, dealing with common stressful situations, defending the rights of discriminated minorities, and general selfactualization. In the context of war, groups that focus on crisis situations, such as experiencing combat, loss, and forced displacement, gain particular importance. Modifying the work format of support groups in wartime conditions is aimed at increasing their effectiveness in providing assistance to victims. They help participants learn to talk about their difficulties, accept the reality of problems, and find internal and external resources to solve them. Groups offer psychological comfort, support, and promote self-acceptance, which is especially important for people experiencing crisis and loss of social ties. The author emphasizes the importance of support groups as a resource for overcoming the psychological consequences of war and adapting to new conditions. Through the exchange of experiences, emotional support, and facilitation by a specialist, they contribute to the restoration and strengthening of the resilience of people who find themselves in crisis circumstances. Flexible adaptation of the work format of groups to the actual needs of war victims is the key to their effectiveness in providing assistance.
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