


anxiety and depressive disorders, distress, facilitation, maladaptive behavior, depression, mental health.


The article discusses the problem of anxiety and depressive disorders on mental health in wartime. An analysis of the scientific literature shows that anxiety and depressive disorders in wartime require a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these conditions, taking into account both external factors and individual characteristics of the affected persons. The main idea of the problem of anxiety and depressive disorders and their impact on mental health in war is that war creates extreme stressful conditions that cause chronic distress, which significantly increases the risk of developing anxiety and depressive disorders. These disorders arise from a combination of anxiety and depressive symptoms when a person is unable to effectively adapt to constant threats, traumatic events, and losses caused by war. This situation not only worsens mental health, but also affects the physical condition, social relationships, and overall quality of life, requiring a comprehensive approach to treatment and support. War is an extreme situation that goes beyond normal human experience. People who flee their country or move to a safer area cannot completely distance themselves from events that affect their relatives and the place where they usually live. External factors such as war, loss of housing, and social instability become constant sources of stress. They reinforce feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, which are central to the development of depression. Uncertainty about the future and threats to life stimulate chronic stress, which in turn increases anxiety levels. We define anxiety-depressive disorders as a neurological condition characterized by a combination of anxiety and depression symptoms, none of which is so severe that anxiety disorder or depression can be diagnosed separately. In our study, mental health is not a static phenomenon, but a process that requires systematic care and attention to all its components: one’s own emotional and psychological state, including a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, regular physical activity, as well as the development of positive stress management strategies, mental resilience and resilience War affects all aspects of a person’s life, including mental health, which can lead to the development of anxiety and depressive disorders. Anxiety and depressive disorders in war is a serious mental condition that occurs due to prolonged exposure to stressors associated with combat.


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