


fairy tale therapy, fairy tale story, communication skills, psychological support, interaction, psychotherapeutic technologies.


The article presents methods of forming communication skills in children through fairy tale therapy. The method of fairy tale therapy is described as a method of psychotherapy that uses fairy tales to help children resolve internal conflicts and develop personality and is an effective tool for developing imagination, creative thinking and communication skills in children. Attention is focused on the psychotherapeutic possibilities of fairy tales: changing the child’s perception of the world around him or her, adaptation to new life circumstances, overcoming stress, forming emotional intelligence, developing communication skills, interpersonal relationships. Methodological recommendations for the use of fairy tale therapy for the development of children’s communication skills during the war in Ukraine are presented. The author emphasises the new possibilities of modern technologies for the use of fairy tale therapy in the development of children’s communication skills, such as interactive platforms, mobile applications and multimedia resources. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of developing children’s communication skills using fairy tale therapy methods; to determine the peculiarities of children’s perception of psychotherapeutic fairy tales for the development of social interaction skills. The article uses a theoretical approach to analyse, compare and summarise the scientific literature on the topic of the study and an empirical approach, which included an analysis of the methodology of using fairy tale therapy to develop children’s communication skills. The research of foreign and Ukrainian scholars on the use of fairy tale therapy in psychotherapeutic, correctional, developmental, and rehabilitation practice of practical psychologists is analysed. It is substantiated that fairy tale therapy promotes the development of emotional literacy, teaches children to recognise and name their emotions, as well as to understand the feelings of others. This is an important aspect of emotional intelligence that helps children to interact better with peers and adults, build healthy interpersonal relationships and resolve conflicts effectively.


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