


will power, volitional sphere, higher education students, correction, basics of correctional programs.


In the paper at first were outlined methodological problems of the psychology of will. An overview of empirical confirmations of the pragmatic value of the dynamic willpower theory was given in two fields: 1) the dynamics of the mutual influence of willpower and emotions; 2) the dynamics of mutual influence of willpower and distress intolerance. Influencing factors of the willpower dynamics (vulnerability factors) that are important for the organization of correctional programs have been established: 1) emotional state; 2) distress intolerance; 3) subjective estimation of low willpower; 4) connection with time through reinforcement processes. Aspects of the volitional sphere development were singled out. 1. Ability to self-control (self-regulation). 2. Self-discipline as a manifestation of volitional effort. 3. Ability to define a goal and achieve it. The ability to make decisions is defined as a component of the ability to achieve a goal, which through the processes of heuristic decision-making is being formed by the experience of their consequences in the game, educational, professional and social activities. The principles of drawing up correctional programs for HE students were substantiated, the features of specific correctional programs depending on the field of knowledge, specialty, and course were partially outlined. Were given the stages of research organization according to the procedure of a formative experiment on the influence of a volitional behavior correctional program for students in the first year of higher education. Diagnostics of the level of development of the volitional sphere before and after corrective course were carried out using the following methods: “Determining the level of development of volitional qualities”, “Assessment of the development of volitional qualities”, “Research of volitional self-regulation” (O. V. Zverkov and E. V. Eidman). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that with the help of a correctional program and systematic training there was a significant increase in the level of the volitional sphere development in first-year higher education students.


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