



irrational beliefs, cognitive psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, cultural aspects, proverbs, sayings, beliefs.


Irrational beliefs are defined as psychological stereotypes, convictions, or tendencies that reflect an inadequate perception of reality and can lead to irrational reactions and behavior. They are formed based on social interactions, cultural influences, and personal beliefs, being passed down from peers and parents. According to Albert Ellis, irrational beliefs are rigid cognitive-emotional connections that do not correspond to reality and oppose objective conditions, leading to personality maladaptation. Such beliefs may include convictions about the unattainability of success, unworthiness of the individual, groundless fears, or lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Special attention is given to the cultural aspects of forming irrational beliefs. Proverbs and sayings that reflect folk wisdom and traditions have become important factors in this process. They not only reflect the values and convictions of a culture but also have the potential to influence the formation of people’s thinking and behavior. Proverbs and sayings usually have a compact, concise form and are expressed in easily memorable phrases or rhythmic expressions, which allows them to be easily passed down from generation to generation, reinforcing certain beliefs in society. The study of cultural influences on irrational beliefs through proverbs and sayings allows understanding how these expressions can significantly impact a person’s mental state and thinking, shaping their perception of the world and themselves. The use of history, real-life situations, and emotional expression makes them powerful tools for influencing individual and collective beliefs. Thus, cultural aspects expressed in proverbs and sayings can significantly influence the formation of irrational beliefs, contributing to the establishment of stereotypes, prejudices, and limited views of the world and oneself. Researching these cultural influences will help understand how they affect the perception of the world, personality. Hence, the future of research in the field of irrational beliefs promises to be very promising and beneficial for improving people’s quality of life, reducing the level of mental disorders, and enhancing the effectiveness of psychological assistance.


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