



tolerance, communicative tolerance, locus of control, types of locus of control, personality.


This article examines the features of communicative tolerance in individuals who differ in locus of control. A thorough analysis of scientific works on the problem under study made it possible to consider communicative tolerance as one of the most important and very informative features of a person who is “collective”, as it reflects the factors of fate and upbringing, experience of communication, culture, values, needs, interests, instructions, character, temperament, habits, peculiarities of thinking and, of course, an emotional stereotype of behavior. The researchers note that the tolerance of the individual has differences in such an area as the locus of control. Locus of control is a quality that characterizes a person’s tendency to attribute responsibility for events that occur in his life and the results of his own activities to external forces (external or external locus of control) or to his own abilities and efforts (internal or internal locus of control. The research sample consisted of 54 people. The psychodiagnostic complex consists of the following methods: “Diagnostics of communicative tolerance” and “Methodology of research on the level of subjective control” (RSK). The conducted correlation analysis, which allows to find out the nature of relationships between indicators, to determine the degree of proximity of the studied phenomena, made it possible to obtain data that showed the interconnectedness of the phenomena of locus of control and communicative tolerance. Using the “aces” method, two groups of people were distinguished, namely: a group of people with an internal type of locus of control and a group of people with an external type of locus of control. Qualitative analysis showed that the level of communicative tolerance in the group of subjects with an internal type of locus of control was higher than the level of communicative tolerance in the group of subjects with an external type of locus of control.


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