emotional burnout, stress, exhaustion, factors of emotional burnout, sports.Abstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the definition of the phenomenon of “emotional burnout”, which appeared in the last century. An attempt is made to identify the factors that influence its occurrence and clarify the nature as a subject of psychological research from the point of view of such domestic scientists as L.M. Karamushka, R.V. Pavelkiv, H.V. Yudkin, and foreign R. Smith, G. Frydenber, G. Schmidt, G. Stein, J. Silva, J. Coakley, and others. The phenomenon of “emotional burnout” in athletes is characterized by dynamics, the manifestation of which increases in the course of sports activities. In athletes, emotional burnout is determined by a number of such external factors as the publicity of competitions; team selection; communication with judges, media representatives, sports federations and clubs; family and household; financial problems, and recently the military situation in our country; internal ones include – high anxiety; low self-esteem; level of harassment; locus of control; lack of motivation and a feeling of helplessness, including emotional exhaustion, a decrease in the level of professional activity in sports; dissatisfaction with the activity and inadequate assessment of one’s professional competence. As a result of chronic stress, emotional burnout develops, which has a devastating effect on all areas of the athlete’s mental activity. Research shows that emotional burnout causes a feeling of helplessness, a depressed mood, a sense of the futility of one’s life, and the thought of one’s insufficient professionalism. All this affects low performance and loss of enthusiasm in sports. The article indicates the need for prevention and prevention of emotional burnout, as well as the elimination of factors that negatively affect the athlete’s mental state.
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