сhildren with impaired intellectual development, emotional sphere, child behavior, stress, mental functions.Abstract
The article examines the need to research personal self-regulation in children with intellectual disabilities. The situation in the country contributes to the increase of traumatic stress, which can have serious consequences for children with psychophysical development disorders. These events disrupt the child’s basic sense of security and can lead to the development of various mental problems. Traumatic stress can cause traumatic stress syndrome (TSD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which are characterized by a variety of symptoms such as recurring memories of the traumatic event, hyperactivity, depression, and more. In children with disorders of psychophysical development, these symptoms may be particularly pronounced and may require specific and individualized support. In addition, traumatic stress can contribute to the development of other neurotic and mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, various phobias, etc. These disorders can greatly complicate a child’s life and require a comprehensive approach to their correction and support. One of the important characteristics of the personality of a child with a violation of intellectual development is the immaturity of his emotional sphere. Therefore, it is important to identify and solve problems related to traumatic stress in children with psychophysical developmental disorders. Self-regulation is considered a key personality quality and an important factor in harmonious interpersonal relations in children with such disorders, both with themselves and with the surrounding world. Self-regulation helps to overcome various obstacles that prevent a child’s full inclusion in real life, and also allows to reveal his psychological potential.
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