COVID-19, psychosomatics, internal conflict, respiratory system, allergic reaction, medical mask.Abstract
The article examines the psychological reactions of patients as a result of SARS-Co-2 disease, as well as the emotional responses of healthy people who express phobias about getting sick. It has been established that COVID-19 can act as a catalyst for both somatic and mental illnesses and disorders, which complicates the course of coronavirus infection. The psychological references of well-known symptoms of COVID-19, namely, infectious diseases, allergic reactions to medical masks, respiratory diseases, etc. are considered. It is noted that the state of infection at the level of the psyche corresponds to a protracted conflict, the resolution of which is facilitated by the adoption of any decision. It becomes possible if approaching the opposite pole of the phenomenon that caused the conflict (as an infection strengthens the body, the psyche retires from the conflict stronger and more robust). The author analyses and justifies that the disease is an attempt to restore the balance disturbed in the body. The destruction of harmony occurs in the mind at the level of information (cognitive processes) and then it is evident the body. The body is the level of manifestation of all the processes and changes that occur in the human mind. Gender differences under delayed symptoms of coronavirus infection are considered. It is proposed to use the methods of body and psychosomatic medicine, which have two main functions – signalling and regulatory – to address the bodily symptoms of coronavirus infection. The author presents an algorithm for counselling patients with respiratory disorders and allergic reactions to wearing a medical mask during quarantine measures, which helps find (open) access and build a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, expand the capacity, solutions and methods of assistance and self-help, include creative resources, and activate the potentials of physical and mental integrity.
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