


self-realization, personal development, self-actualization, self-determination, values.


The article examines self-realization as a complex psychological phenomenon that plays a crucial role in personal development. Self-realization, as a psychological phenomenon, is explored in the context of personal growth, professional self-determination, and the search for life’s meaning. The authors define self-realization as a process encompassing the awareness, selection, and fulfillment of individual capabilities, goals, and values. This process is central to unlocking an individual’s potential and transforming them into a conscious agent of their own life. The study is based on the analysis of approaches by renowned psychologists such as Z. Vyatrovsky, A. Bandura, H. Bednarczyk, J. Bruder, K.M. Gurevich, A. Maslow, C. Rogers, V. Frankl, among others, who regard self-realization as a fundamental human need. Particular attention is given to aspects influencing the productivity of self-realization, specifically the goal-oriented and value-oriented dimensions. The article emphasizes that effective self-realization requires conscious goal-setting and responsibility for achieving these goals. A key focus of the study is the interaction between the “Real Self” and the “Ideal Self” – concepts that represent the current state and potential possibilities of the individual. The alignment between these two aspects is critical for achieving self-realization. The article also addresses factors that may hinder self-realization, such as discrepancies between set goals and actual capabilities. The authors emphasize the need for a systematic approach to studying self-realization as a psychological phenomenon. This includes examining processes of self-awareness, goal-setting, and accountability for achieving those goals, which are crucial for the full realization of personal potential. The study’s findings highlight the importance of further research in this area to develop effective strategies for supporting personal development.


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