



physical perfectionism, levels of physical perfectionism, personality traits, psychological characteristics.


The article examines the peculiarities of the manifestation of physical perfectionism. A thorough analysis of the scientific literature shows that despite the high relevance and practical significance of research on physical perfectionism, it still remains relatively poorly studied in both foreign and domestic psychology. Physical perfectionism is understood as a system of personal ideas and attitudes related to one’s appearance: increased preoccupation with one’s appearance and the desire to meet high body standards, to achieve the best results in the struggle for an ideal figure, as well as a painful attitude towards any critical comments about your appearance. In our study, the concept of physical perfectionism is defined as a phenomenon that is a system of personal beliefs and attitudes related to the appearance of a person, in particular, with subjectively defined problems of one’s body and the desire to achieve its high standards. In order to verify the theoretical construct of the development of those psychological features that determine the specificity of their manifestation in persons with different levels of physical perfectionism, we used a diagnostic toolkit aimed at studying physical perfectionism in combination with diverse psychological phenomena in student youth, namely: “Physical Perfectionism Scale” and the “Freiburg Multifactorial Personality Questionnaire” (FPI). The next step was a differential psychological analysis of the obtained results, which consisted of: firstly, grouping the examinees according to a qualitative-quantitative combination of indicators of physical perfectionism, secondly, studying the personality traits characteristic of the representatives of the selected groups. Later, on the basis of the constructed profiles, the psychological characteristics of individuals, selected groups, with high and low levels of physical perfectionism were compiled and described.


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