


communicative creativity, social intelligence, levels of communicative creativity, psychological characteristics, personality traits.


The article discusses the socio-psychological foundations of communicative creativity. The analysis of scientific literature shows that creativity is one of the key aspects of human activity, the ability to come up with new ideas, find non-standard solutions to problems and express oneself through various forms of creativity. This process is largely dependent on the social and psychological factors that determine how we think, feel, and act in the context of societal norms and expectations. The study of creativity is important for the development of educational programs that promote critical thinking, autonomy, and the ability to innovate. This helps to build the skills necessary for a successful career in the future. Creativity is also important in the context of intercultural studies. Different cultures may have unique approaches to creative thinking, and studying these approaches can contribute to global understanding and cooperation. In our study, the concept of creativity is defined as a systematic mental formation that has a multilevel and multidimensional structure associated not only with intellectual potential, but also with the development of motivational, emotional, aesthetic, existential, communicative and competent levels. Creativity is one of the key general scientific problems that is studied at the philosophical, cultural, educational, personal, psychological, and socio-psychological levels. To test the theoretical construct of the socio-psychological foundations of communicative creativity, we used diagnostic tools aimed at studying communicative creativity in combination with other psychological phenomena, namely: “16-Factor Personality Inventory” (R. Cattell) and ‘Social Intelligence’ (J. Guilford). The next step was the differential psychological analysis of the results, which included two main stages: first, grouping the subjects by qualitative and quantitative combination of indicators of communicative creativity, and second, studying the personal traits of the representatives of the selected groups. Further, based on the created profiles, the psychological characteristics of individuals with high and low levels of communicative creativity were compiled and described.


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