


theoretical and methodological foundations, emotional burnout syndrome, exam stress, students of higher educational institutions.


The article reveals the theoretician of the methodological foundations of the study of emotional burnout among students of higher educational institutions. Currently, Ukraine is going through a difficult historical period on the way to establishing its state integrity. The necessary pace of development of the socio-economic structure of society, caused by the state of war in Ukraine, as well as instability and rapid changes in socio-political trends and trends create strong pressure on psychological factors in Ukrainian society. In turn, student youth, being an integral part of our society, experience all difficulties and hardships. The need to quickly adapt to new circumstances caused by today’s harsh realities complicates the process of professional development of today’s youth. During this period, due to their age characteristics and the perception of the surrounding reality characteristic of this age group, student youth are in the category of increased risk and are more vulnerable to a number of stressful factors that accompany studying at a higher educational institution and mastering professional skills. First of all, such a factor is social assessment, which accompanies a person throughout his or her conscious life path. Difficulties associated with mastering in-depth specialized knowledge and consolidating professional skills, as well as uncertainty in the future profession associated with the rapidly changing market conditions and the demand for one or another profession on the labor market affect the individual, which provokes the constant excitement of the formation of the syndrome of emotional burnout. Thus, we consider the thematic direction indicated by us to be relevant and in demand at the moment, which led to the choice of the topic of this scientific research. Of particular importance in the context of the above is the urgent need to conduct research aimed at studying the phenomenological nature of the manifestations of emotional burnout syndrome in students of higher education institutions and the development of an effective comprehensive toolkit aimed at prophylactic and corrective means of preventing the emergence of embryonic, initial symptoms of emotional burnout syndrome and their further development. This scientific work describes the stages of our research. A theoretical and methodological analysis of approaches to the problem of emotional burnout among students of higher educational institutions was carried out. The requirements for the organization of psychological support of students’ educational activities for the purpose of prevention and correction of the syntomocomplex of emotional burnout syndrome among student youth have been formulated. The theoretical justifications of the program of complex phased action developed by us, aimed at the prevention and correction of emotional burnout syndrome among students of higher educational institutions, are given. The results of our empirical research are given.


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