individual characteristics, readiness of the child to study at school, recommendations for parents, formation of psychological readiness.Abstract
This scientific work is devoted to consideration of the currently relevant problem of children’s readiness to enter school, in the context of the analyzed individual characteristics of the child. The article analyzes theoretical scientific sources of foreign and domestic researchers regarding the individual characteristics of a child’s readiness for school, as well as the literature on the problem of psychological readiness for school as a prerequisite for the success of future educational activities. A child’s readiness to study at school is a complex indicator that includes physical, psychological and social readiness. The age-specific features of the preschool child’s development are characterized, which are a consequence of the formation of readiness to study at school. Intensive physical development of the child takes place in the preschool age. The child grows, gains weight, his muscles and bones develop. Her motor activity increases, the child becomes more mobile and agile. She learns to walk, run, jump, ride a bike, skate, ski, etc. Psychodiagnostic methods are selected to determine children’s readiness for school. Preschool children represent a unique, unique individual system; it is this fact that determines the dynamics of the development of each child. The psychological and physical readiness of a child to enter the social institution of school and successfully master the educational program is considered as a multicomponent structural education. Children should develop a clear, stable motivation to master the curriculum, actively develop and consolidate social communication skills with peers, older children, adults, representatives of the teaching staff and school staff. In addition, an empirical study of children’s readiness to study at school was conducted and recommendations were developed for parents regarding the process of forming a child’s psychological readiness to study for school activities.
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